About me

My name is Naomi, but my friends call me Nom.

I am a 22 year old performing arts student who lives in Birmingham (UK) part time and the Lake district for the other bit.

With a passion for food, and wellbeing I want to bring back the traditional recipes and turn them into healthy, hearty meals without the need for all these superfood and clean eating fads. No need for coconut oil, chia seeds and kale smoothies. I’ll be doing spag bol and Roast dinners but cutting the calories (and the groceries bill) without cutting the taste.

Aldi and Tesco/Asda are where I usually shop so I’ll try not to post anything that has ingredients not available from there. Say goodbye to your regular trips to Holland and Barratt…

Most of my recipes will either serve 1 or will be freezable so you can make 4 at once and you’ll be sorted for the next few days!

I think that’s all for now

So get your apron on, have a crack

And happy eating! x